Mighty Wings Life Centre
" In the shadow of your wings I will make my refuge, until these calamities have passed by"
Psalm 57.1
Empowered Recovery Program
This program more than lives up to its name in that it empowers recovering addicts to begin the journey of recovery in a comfortably controlled and safely informed manner.
Rather than rushing head long into a new life that I was totally unprepared for, the ERP Program enabled me to gradually immerse myself into a lifestyle not only free of drugs, but also flooded with on-going positive transformation. At the same time as it educates you about the true nature of addiction, ERP prepares you to deal with the new set of challenges that a clean life brings with it.
For an investment of just twelve Sunday evenings, the returns delivered by the ERP program are nothing short of staggering. In a few short lessons, I had the opportunity to acquire an abundance of tools all of which have empowered me to stay clean since completing the program. For any addicted person, recovery should begin with grabbing hold of the ERP program with both hands, and taking every one of its principles to heart.
Andre Prinsloo (Recovering Addict)
Relationships Course
I am the mother of a recovering addict. I really enjoyed the “Relationships Course”, it is a very good blend of teaching material and student participation that allows for lively interaction. The two principles that I found the most challenging were: “if other people would shape up, my life would work out” and “until you get your financial house in order, your relational world will be chaos”. These two statements are the two that I really struggled with. It is so easy to blame others for your problems but others are not really the problem. I also struggle with keeping my financial house in order as I tend to spend money a little recklessly. These lies have caused conflict in my relationships and I found that once I faced them and started to work on them things really started to change for me. I would really recommend the “Relationships Course” to both supporters and addicts as it is a very useful tool to have in your recovery vocabulary as we are all trying to enhance the relationships that we have begun to mend.
Kery Butler (Supporter)
I have never had functional relationships and could never understand why but after doing the relationships course I realized and learned many reasons to why my relationships were always an epic fail. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and would recommend it to absolutely anyone as it teaches and guides you on how to engage in and maintain a functionally godly relationship
Chané Van Zyl (Recovering Addict)
Anger Management Course
I suffered from a lot of things. But I definitely did not suffer from anger. I don’t get angry. I am cool headed and calm. It takes a lot for me to “blow my top”. Well, so I thought.
What I did not realise is that anger is not just about exploding, swearing, shouting and hitting other people. Anger is so much more. Anger is a normal feeling that we all experience. It was only through this corse that I learned that I turn my anger inwards and I am a “Stuffer”. That is a very accurate description of me. I stuff my mind with frustration, irritation, anger and then I am surprised when I do explode for the most senseless thing, and my ugly streak comes out in full force. Then I am angry with myself because I don’t like losing control of myself.
The course gave us practical and easy tools to use like walking away and coming back, breathing exercises, the life saver technique (sucking a life saver until it is dissolved – YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CHEW IT), filling our thoughts with positive thinking, disputing our thinking and counting to 10, sometimes 20 and ok, sometimes 30.
I learned that I am passive aggressive and just walk away or ignore the problem or person therefore never solving the problem, and always being angry and not even knowing it. I realise that passive aggressive behaviour is no better than a full blown anger outburst. It causes just as much harm and damage.
We touched on forgiveness, self-esteem, good communication skills and respect. They were all valuable lessons. The reasons why we get angry really stuck with me, because I can now analyse why I get angry, frustrated or disappointed and I can rate my anger and catch it before it gets out of hand.
Anger can motivate us to make changes in present circumstances, it can encourage us to change situations and it can be a release valve that will make us feel better if we deal with our anger in a constructive way.
I can truly encourage everybody with anger issues, or then, if you like me, no anger issues, to attend the course. You will benefit from it, you will learn a lot about yourself, and it will be a stepping stone closer to have the peaceful life that we all desire.
Chanene Van Zyl (Supporter)
I went on the Anger Management Course presented by Mighty Wings Life Centre (MWLC). On this course I learned the following: Anger is only an emotion, which is one’s own reaction to somebody else’s doing or saying, which totally goes against one’s own beliefs, morals and expectations, which then causes one to react irrationally immediately, causing one to lash out before thinking the situation through.
The course taught me that one should sum up and react on the situation and not on the person as such, therefore allowing place for forgiveness. I learned further that anger is also there to protect one’s own rights, and could be used in a positive way. In this we mean that one should not be used as a doormat, but that we have the right to stand up for our own rights and beliefs. Using anger in a positive way makes us more assertive. Anger can be prevented by using the right communication skills, as each party will know how the other thinks and feels.
This is a process that one has to learn to apply, and old habits cannot just be changed overnight.
I would recommend this course to people who battle with anger issues.
Mike Hayter (Alcoholic)