Mighty Wings Life Centre
" In the shadow of your wings I will make my refuge, until these calamities have passed by"
Psalm 57.1
Anger ManagementWhen is anger a problem? Well, some people might say that anytime you get angry, that's a problem. In reality, anger is a universal emotion which serves an important function in our lives. This course aims to show participants that there is an important difference between the experience of anger and the expression of anger. Experiencing the emotion of anger is not the problem; rather, the real problem is the way in which we express or act out the emotion of anger. This course will help you to work through anger from your past and help you to find more effective ways of expressing your anger in the future.
The course provides practical information on:-
The Anger Management Program is a 8 week course that has been offered to clients since 2010. It has proved to be highly effective in empowering individuals to gain insights, to change behaviour and exercise control over their emotional responses. Information sheets, workshops, practical skills development, movie clips and group work are the format of the eight two hour sessions. Courses are run on Sundays in all the branches from 15h00- 17h00, please see Life Centres for directions Dates are posted on the calendar, or alternatively contact us Click Here to Register REBT CoursesThe Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy course is a 9 week program that educates the participants to challenge their irrational/distorted beliefs about an event by using the ABC process which was developed by Dr Albert Ellis. The course focuses on eight areas, namely:- self-esteem, anger, depression, shame, guilt, anxiety, grief and perfectionism.
Courses are run on Sundays in all the branches from 15h00- 17h00, please see Life Centres for directions Dates are posted on the calendar, or alternatively contact our offices Couples TherapyThis course is facilitated by a qualified and experienced psychologist. The course focuses on assisting recovering addicts and their partners to find a mutual ground to communicate in a healthier, more connected manner. The skills discussed and trained are based on the Imago Couples Therapy paradigm, which really encourages safety, reconnection, validation and understanding. The group is a very practical group where a lot of time is spent with the couples working on specific skills.
(This course is for Mighty Wings clients only) |
RegistrationTestimonialsThe ERP program changed my life..
It’s so easy to blame others for your problems but others are not really the problem
I suffered from a lot of things. But I definitely did not suffer from anger, or so I thought
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