Testimonies - How To Write My Testimony
"It is a proof of your faith. Many people will praise God because you obey the Good
News of Christ--the gospel you say you believe—and because you freely share with
them and with all others." (2 Cor 9:13 NCV)
Testimony Guidelines:
1. Before you start writing, pray. Ask God for help and the words.
2. Your testimony needs to be about 5 - 10 minutes long written out. (9-12
pages, 12 font, and double-spaced)
3. Be sure to include 1 or 2 of your favourite scriptures.
4. Be honest.
5. Remember that you are not cured
6. Don't use religious cliché's.
7. Keep it short and to the point.
There are 4 major parts to your story. Relax and get started!
1st The Old Me
a. Start out with, "I'm a Recovering Addict / Supporter who struggles with
b. What was the insanity of my life before recovery?
c. What are some of the circumstances that others could relate to?
d. What was my relationship to God like?
e. What was my attitude to others like?
f. What was my rock bottom?
2nd My Experiences and Changes in Working through Mighty Wings
a. How I got into recovery.
b. How has my growing relationship with Jesus Christ influenced my recovery?
c. How did working the program help me? (be specific)
d. Did a single step touch my heart in a special way?
3rd The New Me
a. What changes God has made in my relationships with others?
b. What areas of my old life are gone and how have they changed?
c. How has my walk with God changed?
d. What are some of the great benefits that I have received from working the
4th Outreach
a. What encouragement can I give a newcomer?
"It is a proof of your faith. Many people will praise God because you obey the Good
News of Christ--the gospel you say you believe—and because you freely share with
them and with all others." (2 Cor 9:13 NCV)
Testimony Guidelines:
1. Before you start writing, pray. Ask God for help and the words.
2. Your testimony needs to be about 5 - 10 minutes long written out. (9-12
pages, 12 font, and double-spaced)
3. Be sure to include 1 or 2 of your favourite scriptures.
4. Be honest.
5. Remember that you are not cured
6. Don't use religious cliché's.
7. Keep it short and to the point.
There are 4 major parts to your story. Relax and get started!
1st The Old Me
a. Start out with, "I'm a Recovering Addict / Supporter who struggles with
b. What was the insanity of my life before recovery?
c. What are some of the circumstances that others could relate to?
d. What was my relationship to God like?
e. What was my attitude to others like?
f. What was my rock bottom?
2nd My Experiences and Changes in Working through Mighty Wings
a. How I got into recovery.
b. How has my growing relationship with Jesus Christ influenced my recovery?
c. How did working the program help me? (be specific)
d. Did a single step touch my heart in a special way?
3rd The New Me
a. What changes God has made in my relationships with others?
b. What areas of my old life are gone and how have they changed?
c. How has my walk with God changed?
d. What are some of the great benefits that I have received from working the
4th Outreach
a. What encouragement can I give a newcomer?